Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday Mischief: Sneak a Snack?

I usually keep my laptop on the kitchen island. It's a nice convenient location to keep it plugged in. I can easily grab a snack while I do a little job hunting.....

Or can I? Do you think there's any chance I can make it to the fridge without my movements attracting unwanted attention.......?

My corgis can make it to the fridge in 1.2 seconds.....It takes me 2.5...................

No snack for me!


  1. You have absolutely no chance of beating them. Sorry.

  2. Aw, they're so cute sleeping there on kitchen security detail. Gotta make sure nobody steals anything from the frig, lol!

  3. They seem to be on the case. I don't think you will make it the fridge.

  4. I see they've barricaded you in, haha!

  5. Really, Taryn, you have take take some of the blame on yourself. After all, you're the one keeping Jimmy in such good shape running those agility courses. :)

  6. LOL...try living in an RV, the dogs always beat us to the kitchen.

  7. Haha. They are definitely on high alert for snack movement! I can eat most things (except cheese- or meat-related items!) without Rita caring. It's such a switch from when we had a beagle and I'd be tiptoeing into the kitchen and trying to slide the silverware drawer open without making a sound!


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