Sunday, September 27, 2009

Apple Orchard Outing

Today when the clouds cleared out, we decided to drive out to the mountains to go pick apples. It's only about an hour west, so not too far away.

Wilson and Jimmy had a great time retrieving fallen apples. Juicy tennis balls!

Next we have Wilson enjoying an apple......

and not just a few bites! He ate the whole thing until we took it away before he got the core and seeds.

Just a couple of silly portraits........

Roaming around among the trees, enjoying a gorgeous early fall day......

And Jimmy proving how well he can multitask!

And lastly, just a shot to show off nature's bounty on a beautiful day.

1 comment:

  1. My next door neighbor's apple tree hangs into my yard and drops apples for the dogs. Inca is always a little porker in the fall because I can't keep up with the windfall. Chase loves them as well, but is active enough that he doesn't seem to get fat. Visiting Phoebe thinks she's in a magical theme park where apples fall from the sky. They are such funny critters.


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