Monday, November 6, 2017

The Story of the Stick

I have a friend who likes to make wall art from pieces of driftwood combined with other natural materials she finds.  I had been keeping an eye out for anything I might see when we were out on our jetski, either in Myrtle Beach or more locally on the Potomac. Most of what I saw was either the wrong size or too far gone to make use of. Out on the river one day, I found a short branch that had obviously suffered the strangling grip of a vine. It had turned that nice gray color of driftwood and was a short piece I could easily bring home. I threw it in the back of John's SUV when we got back and promptly forgot all about it! A few days later John went out to do something and took Jimmy along for the ride. When they got back, Jimmy came strutting into the kitchen, proudly carrying my stick! Of course I wasn't expecting this so I have no photo, but rest assured, Jimmy was just as pleased as he could be!

He ran to his bed where he would have happily chewed the stick to pieces. I didn't let that happen, but of course I got pictures before I relieved him of his prize! I guess this stick won't make it to being art!


  1. Oh I LUFFS a stickie to chew...great find Jimmy
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. Awww...I guess you couldn’t very well take it back? He looks very happy with his treasure.

  3. We think a few chew marks would make it art! Great find, Jimmy.

  4. OMD, I thinks a few toother marks just ads character! It will make a FABulous art piece!
    (if not, can I have second dibs??)
    Ruby ♥

  5. It's "Jimmy Art"!!!!! I had exactly the same thought as our friend Ruby!

  6. hehe. So funny how they prance so proudly when they find a good stick!


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