So this weekend we had another trial given by the local Golden Retriever club. I only signed up for one day. I still didn't get video. Bad me again! But since we did get one Q, I want to write it up for the record keeping.
Here are the maps:
First up was Standard, the map on the right. The trickiest spot, or so I thought, was the #8 table to the #9 jump. You had to be sure you worked it well enough that your dog took the proper side. We had already cleared our dogwalk contact, and now made it past the table, so I thought we had a good chance for a Q, We made it all the way to #15 and then Jimmy knocked a panel of the #16 jump. A panel jump is one that the dogs can't see through, the bars hold a PVC panel so it looks like jumping a little wall. It's not a jump dogs usually knock because they give a bit of extra effort to clear the "wall", but it could be the big Aframe as the next obstacle played with Jimmy's eyes. You just never know for sure what brings a jump down.
Next up, the Jumpers run, and the left map. Nothing too tricky. It flowed nicely and ran fast. Jimmy finished in a tad over 32 seconds, quick enough for the blue ribbon! Good Boy!
Now, pretty much my only agility goal right now is to finish up Jimmy's PACH2 championship title. We have way more than enough points so we just need five more double-Qs. And we just can't seem pull one off! It's always something! We have no time frame to finish this title, but sooner than later is better for an aging corgi.
On a humorous note.... Jimmy's favorite canine masseuse was at the trial and lucky for us a spot opened up in her schedule. It was right after we were done for the day so perfect timing! Jimmy was so cute. He hopped up on Kim's table and immediately lay down on his side so she could get busy rubbing his back. We didn't even ask him to, he just assumed the postion! LOL!
Tracking Jimmy's PACH 2 progress:
Very 1st Double-Q: Sunday 5/1/2016
Very 1st Double-Q: Sunday 5/1/2016
Masters JWW legs: 57...MJP Title 01/25/15 MJPB 10/11/15 MJPS Title
Masters STD legs: 52...MXP Title!10/24/14 MXPB 04/30/17 MXPS Title
Double Q's: 15(out of 20 needed)
PACH Points: 1600 plus more! I have lost count!
Masters JWW legs: 57...MJP Title 01/25/15 MJPB 10/11/15 MJPS Title
Masters STD legs: 52...MXP Title!10/24/14 MXPB 04/30/17 MXPS Title
Double Q's: 15(out of 20 needed)
PACH Points: 1600 plus more! I have lost count!
WOW, does it get any better than that? Finishing with a blue ribbon, then getting a massage. Jimmy ma boy, you deserve it.