Friday, May 12, 2017

Wilson's Glory Run

So when last we met, before Wilson's Wordless Wednesday and Jimmy's 10th birthday,  we were talking about the agility trial held as part of the National Specialty. At the end of the agility trial,  eight senior dogs were going to try their hands (paws!) at a modified agility course. An easier course would be set up and as each dog ran, a bio would be read. Well, as they say, the best laid plans of corgis and women (to paraphrase a well known expression!).....The trial was held at an indoor soccer building, which the club had rented until 6PM. But for some unknown reason, the building management rented it out to someone else starting at 5:30! You can see where this is going. We needed that last half hour for the Glory Runs! Things got a bit tense,  and the management actually kicked us out! That's right! Despite having the building for another 30 minutes, we were unceremoniously sent packing. Things went from tense to ugly pretty quickly. There were a lot of emotions involved as people had waited all day for their oldsters to play! We had all been looking forward to this part of the day and now it was not going to happen. I would be lying if I said I didn't hear a few FU's thrown about as well as see some one finger salutes. The manager did not back down and we were out in the parking lot in short order!

Of course if you saw this week's Wordless Wednesday, you may be thinking, Wait! I just saw a bunch of photos of Wilson playing at agility! What we did was re-group back at the host hotel, borrow some agility equipment, and set up our course in the ballroom! I have to admit the carpet makes for some very interesting photo shots! Not your everyday soccer turf!

This didn't have quite the feel of a true agility run, but I don't think the dogs minded. Wilson certainly had lots of happy expressions in the photos. I know he felt special because Jimmy was left behind in the room!

Here is a video of his run! I certainly wouldn't miss catching that on camera!

And just as special, maybe even more, the CWCCA had gorgeous ribbons made up. Each one was printed with the dog's name and the Specialty information.


And finally a group shot of all the participants! Look at the size of the smiles on our faces! This was a very happy group. All's well that ends well!

I still have one more post to do on the Specialty just to wrap up a few loose ends. I don't mean to drag it out, but I want to cover it all. I am hoping to make a Shutterfly book as well, but in case that doesn't happen, my posts will help me remember it all!


  1. WooooHooooo! Wells, that was most nasty of the owner, butts OMD, you guys sure had a good time! And, might I add that your Moms looks most beautifuls too! And those ribbons aren't half bad! I have never gotten a ribbon befores! Do you thinks tree rat chasing will ever be an event???? ☺
    Ruby ♥

  2. We didn't even notice the carpet in the WW unobservant are we... Glad you could find another venue at such short notice. Wilson, that's a gorgeous rosette!

  3. What a lovely ribbon to acknowledge the accomplishments of a great dog!

  4. Great group photo! What a great time!


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