Friday, August 5, 2016

Keeping Up with the Kardigans

I've decide to start a new feature on my blog. I'm going to call it Keeping Up with the Kardigans (can anyone tell me where I stole that title? ;-) ) It's going to be for all the odds and ends that never make it to a blog post. Sometimes I do a photo shoot for Wordless Wednesday and some of the un-used shots are still blog-worthy. Other times it's a photo I took with my (crappy) phone camera and just isn't very crisp, but the story is good. Who knows?! This series will be a catch-all for the not-quite-ready-for-prime-time stuff!

Let's see, what do I have.....

A couple weeks ago, Wilson and I sat in the pool for WW. But of course I couldn't miss out on a picture with both boys!

Wilson, curious to see if we might be eating something, but too lazy to get up and walk to the kitchen.....

And finally, flowers from my reason really, I just think they are pretty!

Have a great weekend, Everyone!


  1. Love the name! Great idea.

  2. That's a great idea. We loved all the pictures!

  3. I love these "personal" posts.

  4. Yuppers, it's a weinner! Um, I MEANS, winner!!
    Ruby ♥

  5. Love the title! And the pool pic - that seems like something the Kardashians would post.. :) Except we'd see a lot more flesh.........

  6. I love it. I sometimes have photos that I can't put a story to, but they are cool and I want to share them. But I rarely have a good story with a matching picture. LOL


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