Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Home Alone

When I got home from the agility trial on Saturday, I pretty much turned right around and went back out to have dinner, leaving the boys home alone.We didn't go far and were probably gone an hour at most. When I walked into the kitchen, this sight across the room made me laugh out loud! Wilson had one of his "happy rolls" like he does with his carpet , flipping and flopping the pillows this way and that. I've posted about this scene once before but I find it so endearing, I'm going to post about it again! And then of course, there was the time we came home to this! Some people come home to the trash strewn around or the bread stolen off the counter. We come come to the remains of pillow fights!


  1. Oh you fellas had a GREAT time...who won??????
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. HAHA!!! I always hold my breath when I come in and we've left Tucker loose (Teach won't do anything). And I'm always pleasantly surprised that all we have found is pillows on the floor. Only once did I come home to destruction and that was this past Christmas when Tucker decided that two of my ornaments needed some play time (or chew time!). So he didn't get left out again until after the tree came down. LOL!! Gotta love our boys!

  3. I think somebody was practicing the agility trials in the home BOL
    Lily & Edward

  4. No matter how bad your day has been, coming home to that is just bliss!

  5. Hahaha! Maybe they were playing "fort"!

  6. Hehe, I love to run around the house like a wild beast. Good thing they did not bet destroy anything and get banished. MOL.

  7. Crikey If I got left at home I'd EAT those cushions!!

  8. That's so cute. Rita just sleeps in our bed while we're gone! (Although sometimes when I come in, she's lying there in the hallway with her back leg lifted, like she's been waiting for a tummy rub the whole time I was gone. So funny.)

  9. As long as no-one got hurt and nothing was destroyed. :-)


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