Friday, May 4, 2012

The Butter Boys

I live in the thick of Northern Virginia suburbs, filled with countless cookie-cutter homes, small yards, and endless pavement. However, there are a few holdouts who have kept the feel of old Ashburn alive. A short walk from my house, via the W&OD trail, is a small farm complete with chickens, several horses, and even bee hives! The mild winter was really a boon for the flowering plants this year. Their horse pasture is covered in buttercups right now. I got as close as I could without risking Jimmy seeing the horses. He gets pretty amped up about them and I certainly couldn't risk him going for the chase! So here are the boys posed just outside the fence. The horses were not far away but the tall weeds, flowers, and grass kept them out of sight. Good thing they weren't curious about what I was doing and came for a visit.


And don't forget about my GIVEAWAY.


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