Thursday, December 14, 2017

Switching Seasons

I certainly haven't been posting much lately. No excuses, I've just lost that blogging feeling. When last I posted, it was mild and fall was in full force. With not much effort, Mother Nature moved on without me!

I don't mind a snowy day or two before Christmas comes along. The photo-ops are always appreciated! The other day we had one of those gorgeous heavy wet snows that coats everything and is gone the next day.

We didn't need to walk far to get plenty of pretty shots!

I live in suburbia and a nice snow can sure do wonders for the natural beauty!

My pretty boy!

And later in the evening, things were still pretty awesome! My neighbor's bush looked so festive under a layer of snow!

A view from the front yard...

Peeking in my living room window on the way to the back door....

I of course took Christmas themed pictures of the boys. I couldn't let the opportunity pass me by! But those are for another day and another post closer to Christmas.


  1. These are great photos!!! Love the snow covered lights!! And of course your models outdid themselves. :)

  2. Having gorgeous weather does make blogging easier. Those are such lovely pictures.

  3. Beautiful! We have some pretty snow now too.

  4. They fit right in the snowy look. So handsome!

  5. That snow looks really pretty. The photos of both boys in the snow-covered leaves are beautiful. And I love the bush with lights that are covered in snow!

  6. OMD, those are just BEAUTIFUL photos! I wish we got snow here...sigh. You boys are just as handsome as evers!
    Ruby ♥

  7. Oh my gosh all the photos are just beautiful. Have a great holiday season. Merry Christmas

  8. Gorgeous! That weather would definitely make me feel Christmasy. It's finally a bit cooler here, but I haven't been much in the Xmas (or the blogging...) mood. Going to try to get into both today!


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