Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Was Wilson aWare of the Windmill?

Click to enlarge so you can actually see the windmill!


  1. What a beautiful reflection. Wilson looks so thoughtful.

  2. Beautiful picture! Ghostwriter sees one of these on her way to work. It's right next to a dairy farm. At Christmas time, they put pretty lights on it that look so cheerful when she has to drive home at night.

  3. I'm not sure but it looks Wilson has his eyes on something Wonderful in the other direction.

  4. If he turns his head, he'll be able to see two of them! He has a very poignant look.

  5. We are! We have lots of those around us....usually derelict.

  6. Lovely picture of Wilson.

    You should take him to Wolf Island in Lake Ontario. They're covered in huge windmills. Wilson would find them hard to miss. :)

  7. Wilson looks so dignified! I bet that he was aWare! :) I hope that he's feeling well.

  8. Are we to ask? Will you ever tell us? LOL

  9. What a lovely Fall photo! The windmill is so pretty right by the lake. I'm not so sure Wilson Was aWare of that Windmill though!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them


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