Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Weekend Report: Still in a Slump!

Jimmy and I just can't seem to get it together lately. Friday we ran three courses and something went wrong in each run.

First the maps:

Our first run was Premier Standard, which is just a trickier and faster version of a normal Standard run. Most of the challenges involve making your dog run around to the backside before jumping. #3 was a backside, and I got myself lost and off balance coming around from sending him. This got Jimmy flustered, and put me behind for doing another backside at #5. We almost pulled it off but Jimmy dropped the #5 bar. The rest was clean, even the odd jumps after the AFrame.

Next up was regular Standard (middle map). We had a nice run going until the jump after the AFrame. Sigh.....but hey, I did get video!

And finally our Jumpers run where I felt confident we would redeem ourselves.....NOT! I knew the weaver entry would be a tad tricky and I thought I worked it enough but alas, Jimmy missed it and went in at the 2nd pole. It's been a long time since we have come home completely Q-less. Of course, Jimmy gets his peanut butter treat either way, so he's fine with it!

Next weekend is the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club trial. Two days of agility! Let's see if that helps!

Tracking Jimmy's PACH 2 progress:
Very 1st Double-Q: Sunday 5/1/2016
Masters JWW legs: 59...MJP Title 01/25/15 MJPB 10/11/15 MJPS Title
Masters STD legs: 53...MXP Title!10/24/14 MXPB 04/30/17 MXPS Title
Double Q's: 15(out of 20 needed)
PACH Points: 1760 plus more! I have lost count!


  1. How frustrating for you....but there'll be another day. And we think you both deserve Peanut Butter treats.

  2. Nice run anyway, and I do mean "run" for you bothy—you have to be fast to keep up with Jimmy!


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