Sunday, October 23, 2016

Black and White Sunday: Not Much Difference!

The other day Jimmy was slumped in his "I'm bored" slouch at the top of the stairs. He was looking extra cute so I grabbed my camera. Of couse, Jimmy makes black and white photos very easy! In this case, with the simple backgound, there really isn't much difference between living color and black and white with his eyes still colored in! Have a look......


  1. Interesting! Just the loss of a little brindling and the pink spots of his pads in the revised photo.

  2. Love this!! Anytime I turn Matt black & white he kind of just disappears. LOL

    Bell Fur Zoo Mama

  3. Such bright eyes! Jimmy is a cutie!

  4. totally a bored "look" Yes, he makes black and white so easy. Golden Woofs, SUGAR

  5. In our house, this look is called waiting for the next dog or cat to pounce on!

  6. The black and white one is perfect for halloween!

  7. You make taking pictures of black dogs look easy! Nice!


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