Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tulips on Tuesday!

Spring has sprung and flowers abound. Yesterday was actually closer to summer with temps reaching well into the 80's. We've turned the A/C on already! These pictures were taken over the weekend before the warm weather had a chance to wilt the tulips. I had no treats along for this walk so I did not get the best work ethic from my models! They don't work for free they will have you know!

I'm sorry my posts are so infrequent these days. I am lacking both time and inspiration. I've been trying to visit everyone at least once a week but I don't always have time to leave a comment. I'm still here, just on an unintentional blogging diet.


  1. We are doing the same. I'm lacking the same: time and inspiration! Always great to see your boys. I had wanted to find some tulips to take pictures of but the snow two weeks ago killed that idea. Loving this warm weather, but some rain would be nice.

  2. The pictures are still good and I'm with you, lacking motivation and time. I'm still trying though. :-)

    Have a great day!

  3. I think it's called spring fever.It has a lot of symptoms.

  4. I went through that this fall and took about 4 months off and I thought I was threw with blogging. Then I missed and now I feel reinspired and have too many ideas and not enough time. My blog is also all over the place: dogs, clothes, vintage, sci fi etc So thats probably not what a blog should really be but I find it helps my inspiration to have a broad focus. I still love your posts and think you have the best pictures on any dog blog I visit. I hope you keep blogging

    retro rover

  5. Yep it's a bit warm, 89 degrees is way to warm for us
    Lily & Edward

  6. Great pictures! Tulips turned out beautiful. Thanks for the share.

  7. We have kind of slowed down to lately too. But just wait. An inspiration is sure to come along soon!

  8. I love your boys! They are so cute with the tulips!

    I completely understand and totally relate. Right now I'm having a really hard time, too!

  9. Crikey ..... as long as we know your there from time to time. That's all that matters. Those tulips are beautiful and so are the two cardi's of course.

  10. OMD, those are most FABulous tulips!!! And I loves the stink eye for no treaties...hehehe
    Ruby ♥


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