Tuesday, August 5, 2014

100 Countries!

I am well aware that my blog fits in a small niche, one of dog topics and photos, and is even further narrowed down by being about just my Cardigan Welsh Corgis. And when it comes to dog blogs, mine is decidedly not a trend setter! But it makes me happy and that's the point, right? But, nichey or not, it is still fun to think of all the people from around the world that have stopped by to check out my blog, whether by a misleading search engine result or deliberate hit. Well, for the longest time the little Visitors widget at the very bottom of my screen has been sitting at 99 countries having visited my blog. I look at it every couple of days and there it sits....99. Imagine my surprise (and delight) when today hit the nice round number of 100! Yay!

I don't usually dig any deeper than the above little flag summary, but today I figured it was worth looking at some details.....(Click to enlarge the fine print....)

There is even a complete list of all 100 countries but I don't need to post that much detail! The internet sure has made the world a much smaller place! It was a lot of fun reviewing the information. If you want to add this neat little widget to your blog, you can get it here. The basic one like mine is free.

So, for those of you viewing this blog post....
Where in the world are you from?


  1. Wow a 100. That is great that you cover the globe. So right the world has sure got a lot smaller since the internet. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. We have learned a lot of geography from our blog and StatCounter's map. The strangest was a hit just off the coast of Africa. It's like someone was on a boat a few miles out.

    Congratulations on 100.

  3. It is interesting who reads these blogs and visits us
    Lily & Edward

  4. I live on the sun. Wait, I meant Arizona. ;)

    Congratulations on 100!

  5. Congrats. We are one of your USA readers.

  6. Sometimes we check. We are amazed at some of the places that come up. Wish they'd leave a comment sometimes.

    Count us in the Australia flag...

  7. Howdy mates. We'll ya know we're from Down Under. Isn't it amazing to see all those countries and to think they shared your blog. We might have to check out the country counter too hehe. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  8. That is very interesting. I know you don't want to include the whole list. But we just have to know -- anybody from Wales looking in on you and your Cardi's?

    1. Interestingly, the detail page that lists all 100 allows the US and Canada to be expanded to see the states/territories. The rest do not. Wales appears to be lumped under the United Kingdom, which doesn't expand. In the list, it doesn't show England specifically so obviously it is under the UK entry. I would bet Wales is in there too. If I want to drill down, I have to pay a monthly fee. I'm not quite that curious ;-)

  9. Crikey!! How good is that little whattchya call it (widget????) Wish my Mum was clever enough to fix me up with that so I could see who visits me. That's the neatest thing. 100 countries have visited you. Wow!! congratulations! Kazakhstan ...... crikey ... Mum couldn't even spell that without spell check!! Who lives there?? Struth ... poor old New Zealand almost got wiped off the map, aye?? Glad to see Australia sitting up there (whoops - down there) nicely!! Hey ..... I'm one of the 363, aye?? Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!

  10. And Kazakhstan to boot. I think I can just find it on the map.

    What a fun statistic to track.

  11. On my detail page, I can expand the US to see what states have visited. All 50 have taken a look, plus a separate line for the District of Columbia. So Wyoming/Alaska do have internet ;-)


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