Monday, June 3, 2013

Our Lake Runneth Over

Yesterday was a tough day for the boys, especially Jimmy. We had band after band of loud thunderstorms roll through the area. This sent the guys into hiding down in the basement. It also brought quite a bit of heavy rain. For our morning walk today, I headed toward the lake as I wanted to see if the water level was up. It was! Significantly.....

That grass sticking up well behind Wilson is the normal edge.....

And speaking of something rolling through the area....Jimmy delighted in a bit of  rolling himself! I couldn't see anything, but he knew something was there. Thank goodness it didn't smell!

Less delightful for Jimmy, this act resulted in a hose-down when we got home.
I definitely think this qualifies as mischief, don't you?


  1. A good roll in the unknown is always good!

  2. BOL...rolling in the grass is the best!

  3. Check out his little white chiny-chin-chin!

  4. Definitely some fun mischief going on!

  5. Glad the storm has passed. The last one I rolled in was half a dead magpie. Peeps was not amused. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. Rita LOVES that kinda mischief. (But not so much the hosing-down afterwards!)

  7. Oh most definitely. Storms came through our way this morning but now the sky is clear! Here's to drier and quieter weather!

  8. That's some awesome mischief! Rolling always classifies as mischief.

  9. That's a lot of rain! I wish we would get some our way.


  10. too bad about all those awful thunderstorms, they can sure be scary

    urban hounds

  11. As Max gets more and more confident and trusting he is constantly surprising me with new things he'll do but I have never seen him roll around yet...other than on the bed :) - maybe he heard about the hose off from Jimmy :)

  12. Gretel rolls in mystery stuff in the grass too. She is definitely targeting some goody but sometimes I don't see anything or it doesn't smell. I have been told that dogs like dead earthworms so I always figure it's that.

  13. That's quite an increase in the lake level! I hope you aren't having a lot of flooding in your area. We are about a month away from our monsoon season when we'll start getting some thunderstorms. Fortunately, Wrigs has not developed any major fear of thunder so far, but I know that could change if we had intense storm activity very close to the house.

    Susan and Wrigs


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