Friday, September 7, 2012

Sunset Bridge

Here's another view of the bridge that appeared in Wilson's last WW. It sits at just the right spot to catch the setting sun, well, at least at this time of year. I love the warm tones of the metal.

I'm going to take a bit of a blogging break for a bit. I'm am low on both photographs and inspiration. I'll see everyone back here in a week or so, hopefully fully armed with new ideas and pictures of Jim and Wilson!

Have a great weekend, Everyone!


  1. Beautiful picture. Enjoy your break!!

  2. Have a fabulous Friday and a really good break.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. No Jimmy and Wilson posts? Breakfast will be much less entertaining.

  4. Your photos and accompanying stories are clever and funny (the Vacummater post comes to mind--the mere thought of it makes me laugh) and the photographs themselves are amazing--"amazing" is a much overused word, but in this case, it is the perfect adjective. We'll look forward to your return!

  5. Your dogs are so beautiful. Can't wait till you come back!

  6. Hurry back, we'll miss you!

  7. Ah, the dreaded blog fodder drought; I know it well. Sure missed WWW!

  8. That is a gorgeous picture

    urban hounds


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