Sunday, June 3, 2012

Agility in Small Spaces

I've got a very small yard. The house, driveway, deck and a patio sit on just 1/5 of an acre. Add to that several landscaping beds and a backyard that isn't level, and I've got very little space to set up my agility equipment.
Having grown up in the country with a large yard, when we bought the house, I rued how small a yard it had. Soon enough, after adding trees and beds, mulching, trimming and mowing became a chore, and I was glad the yard was small. But along came my agility obsession, and I was once again wishing for a large flat yard! Sigh. Luckily, the fabulous training center I use is only a few miles away, so I do have access to the full range of equipment, but only on class night or if I sign up for a private lesson. So, I have to make due with my small yard if I want to practice at home. Yesterday was such a day. The huge storms had passed through my area leaving behind a gorgeous low humidity day.

Here's how my yard looks, set up for some fun.....

Click to enlarge, where you can see the king of the "only-at-home" table!

Giving a nice tight wrap turn on the Double

My Pac-N-Go tunnel...Love it!

Jimmy loves the weaves!
And finally, my "dogwalk"....Classy, huh? But there is room for a 2on2off!

I haven't attended an agility trial since my dismal showing at the National Specialty. I didn't get in the one I tried for in mid May, I skipped the 3-dayer over Memorial Day weekend to keep in the good graces at home (if you know what I mean....), so I will finally have one in mid-June. I'm looking forward to trying it again, but mainly just to see me friends and hang out.


  1. We've got the same problem - only room (safely) for one jump and a set of weaves. We try to get creative, but oh how I wish I could set up an a-frame and teeter!


  2. Wow! Pretty darn creative! We've got the space (in our latest move), but wouldn't you know it, I've always been a competition obedience person :)--although training for that in our tiny NH kitchen/LR during the winter was tough.

  3. Nice set up! I have more room than you do, but right now it isn't very usable -- pockmarked as it is with gopher holes and roots and sprouts from the disaster-Cottonwood tree we planted in spite of all warnings and knowing we were headed for disaster. Not sure what I am going to do because I really enjoyed playing at agility with Darby and Pumpkin even though we didn't compete.


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