Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Mailbox.........but NCC*

*NCC...No Corgi Content

On the day we  headed to the beach without the boys, we took a long, leisurely walk north, headed toward that far off North Carolina town. After walking and hunting for Sand Dollars for about thirty minutes, we could spy an American flag poking up above one of the dunes. As we got closer, more of the scene revealed itself.....

We had come upon a mailbox in the middle of nowhere. Climbing the dune and looking behind the mailbox showed that there was nothing but more dunes, scrubland, and salt marshes. Of course, curiosity demanded that we look inside the box. It was filled with notebooks and pens. The notebooks were filled with comments of all kinds written by beach combers like us. One whole notebook was filled on 9/11, comments reflecting the writers' memories of that day. Some notebooks contained letters written by smitten teenagers. In yet another, one poignant note started, "Dear Daddy, This is my first visit to the mailbox since you left to be with our Lord. I miss you so very much.....". That one left quite a lump in my throat and stinging eyes. Many other comments where just people from all over, stating they had been there on such and such a day and where they were from. All in all, the mailbox was a very interesting and insightful find.

Of course, John and I each left our own notes behind. But if you want to know what we wrote, you will need to discover this odd little spot for yourselves.

I'll end with one more picture from that walk. The clouds that day were huge and towering!


  1. What a wonderful find. If I ever manage to get to the east coast again, I will ask for the place to start the search for the mailbox/

  2. Well, what a treasure find! Thanks for sharing! :)

  3. Thanks for sharing this! It's faith renewing!

  4. That is one of the coolest things I've ever heard of.


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