Thursday, January 28, 2010

Word Play

I am a fan of animal behaviorist/dog trainer/author Patricia McConnell. Her blog is called The Other End of the Leash , and sadly her beloved BC Lassie passed away yesterday. Her blog post was entitled Six Words, explained by the famous story about Ernest Hemingway, in which he challenged his writer friends to write the shortest story possible. Everyone agreed that he had won. He wrote: "For Sale. Baby Shoes. Never Worn."
Trisha then asked her readers to choose six words to describe their dogs, past and present, and post it in the comments.

Here's what I wrote:

My three Cardigan Corgis:

For my sweet old Dylan, who lived to just two weeks short of his seventeenth birthday:
Best Friend. Always there. Long walks.

For Wilson (6 years):
Big Shoes. Agility teammate, new paths.

For Jimmy (2 years):
Wild monkey, always happy, joyful presence.

This was an interesting challenge and I thought you all might enjoy the mental exercise. It certainly brings up lots of fond memories.

I would love to read your six words......


  1. What a cool idea.

    For Ian (3 1/2 years):
    Discovered by accident. Heartdog. Fate smiled.

    For Elli (1 1/2 years):
    Wild Child. Laughs everyday. Forward momentum.

  2. Rudy: throw away, rescued, loved, greatly missed
    Katie: Ms Priss, everything's mine, Daddy's girl
    Lego: Sweet boy, always happy, gorgeous dog
    Star: Troublemaker, entertaining, honking set of ears
    Jill: Sweet, Daddy's Girl, acts innocent, Impish
    Magic: First Cardi, Heart Dog, sweet nature
    Spike (terrier mix): strange dog, Momma's boy, typical terrier
    Maggie (GSD): Everyone's Mom, sweet face, Worry wart

  3. There is actually a website for six-word memoirs - I have posted a few out there and one of them was supposed to be published in a book, but I never checked to see if it made it.

  4. Sam
    Aging frat boy. Big heart.

    Practically perfect in every way. Tolerant.

    Moira (PuPu)
    Complete hoyden. Petite flower. Odd dog.

  5. Bobby: Silly boy. Loves life. Loves me.

    Barney: Sweet red boy. Gone too soon.

  6. I am going to post mine on my blog later today...will have to give it some thought....

  7. Sparkey: "Make me happy. Scratch my ear."

    Dixie: "Low maintenance, suburban princess, couch potato."

    Hughie: "Worked hard. Played hard. Paying now."

    Radar: "Play now. Snuggle later" (Radar is simple enough to summarise in four words.)


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